Back Pain & Sciatica


One of the most common reasons people visit a chiropractor is for lower back pain and/or pain travelling down one or both legs, with or without pins and needles, commonly known as sciatica.

The lower back is made up of 5 vertebrae (lumbar spine), the sacrum, pelvis and tailbone. This area contains nerves which come through the spine and travel down the legs to the feet. If the lower spine is stiff, not moving or functioning as well as it should, it can affect these nerves, creating a pattern of pain or other symptoms travelling down the leg. Chiropractic adjustments aim to get these areas moving and functioning better, in order to relieve the pressure on these nerves and therefore the associated symptoms.

The pelvis consist of two big bones that surround the sacrum at the base of the spine. Commonly, in response to daily stressors (eg physical stress, such as long periods of sitting, or physical work), the pelvis can become unbalanced. This can create a difference in leg length, or other postural issues such as a high shoulder or a head tilt. When these changes occur, it’s a sign that the body is compensating and not adapting very well to daily stressors. Over time, people commonly experience back pain, muscle tightness and/or fatigue, changes to their posture and consequently lower energy levels because their body is having to work so hard. Chiropractic care is involved in balancing these areas to create more ease in the body so it can function at its very best. When the spine, posture and nervous system is balanced and functioning well, symptoms tend to reduce, resolve and become less frequent.

If you are experiencing any back pain, or symptoms travelling down one or both legs, such as pain or pins and needles, a chiropractic consultation is highly recommended in order to get to the root cause of what might be going on. An initial consultation takes around 45 minutes and involves a thorough assessment to figure out how to get you back to 100% and beyond!

Head to the ‘Chiropractic Techniques’ blog to find out more about how we might take care of your spine.


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Chiropractic Techniques